Emisebeni Junior Primary School

No more period poverty for 112 children


6,720 days of education saved

Take a trip to Soweto, Johannesburg, and you’ll find happy children playing, learning, and – most importantly – thriving at Emisebeni Junior Primary School.

The school came to our attention during our national outreach program as one in desperate need. We discovered that many of the pupils at Emisebeni come from disadvantaged backgrounds, and we felt duty-bound to help them escape period poverty.

The school provides a safe and welcoming environment for a total of 298 children, 112 of whom needed our support with their menstruation and sanitary needs.


Emisebeni Junior Primary School

Many people are aware of the lack of funds for sanitary products, making life even more difficult for South Africa’s young women. But what they often fail to realise is the impact on education.

Every young woman who experiences period poverty in South Africa misses a minimum of 60 days of learning each year. Multiply this by 7 million, and the scale of the problem is hard to comprehend. Period poverty doesn’t just hold back one individual from achieving great things in life—it holds back an entire nation from reaching its full potential.

We ensure that our 100% biodegradable sanitary products are delivered directly to those in need. And it’s our dedicated team of local drivers that makes sure this happens, making us immensely proud to support the local economy by providing paid employment, too.

If the thought of a young woman losing her education due to a perfectly natural, monthly occurrence fills you with a sense of injustice, please consider supporting us with a donation. Just £1 per month can lift a young woman out of period poverty for the rest of her life.